I wanted to banana it in - Ronnie O'Sullivan

This is a very interesting incident that happened in the 2019 Scottish Open when Ronnie O'Sullivan played Dominic Dale in the opening round. O'Sullivan was 0-2 down against Dale but managed to cross the finishing line first.

Ronnie deliberately missed a century break. He didn't wait for the referee to place the color back on it's spot and played the shot which resulted in a foul.

But the most strange incident happened when he potted the pink and got a perfect position on the black and all he had to do was slowly push the black in. Instead he tried to banana the black in the middle pocket. He hit the cue ball so hard that it bounced off the table and awarded the frame to Dale.

Luckily, he won that match and when asked why he did that, Ronnie replied - " I just wanted to banana the ball in and see if the pocket could take it. I knew I needed the black but the pocket couldn't take it.

" I couldn't believe my luck that it had gone over the hole. I thought there was no way it couldn't go in, but then the white jumped off the table. "

"I love the bananas. I'm enjoying it. The most important thing is enjoying it. "


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