Tentative dates for World Snooker Championship 2020

The world snooker championship is held somewhere in April every year but due to the outbreak of the virus Covid - 19,  it has been rescheduled to later date. Read this article to find out the tentative dates as to when this prestigious event can happen.

With the outbreak of the virus, we've all been deprived of our favourite things to do and snooker being one of them. This has led to cancellation of all sports worldwide and no one has a clue as to when it will come back to normal and when we'll finally get some snooker action.

Judd trump won the world snooker championship for the first time in his career by beating John Higgins 18-9. Higgins was unable to keep pace with Trump's brilliant display of snooker. Judd trump snooker season 2018-2019 was the start of his comeback which recorded 2 wins against O'Sullivan ( Northern Ireland and the Masters).

Trump has bagged 6 ranking titles in the snooker season 2019-2020 which makes him the only player to do so. He is definitely on top of his form and we have to see if he's able to defend his title.

Barry Hearn in one of his tweets has stated that he has the booked the cruicible theater on the same dates when olympics are held. This means we can see snooker again by the 25th of July. Lets hope this happens.


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