Barry Hearn explains his relationship with "Genius" Ronnie O'Sullivan

Ronnie O'Sullivan and the WST chairman Barry Hearn have had their ups and downs and Hearn has only one thing to say - The Rocket's Genius.

Ronnie has known Barry Hearn for 3 decades now, twice served as his manager and now is in charge of the sport. However, their relationship have had many difficulties one being very seriously last year when Ronnie came up with the idea of a breakaway tour to which Hearn didn't care much.

Ronnie O'Sullivan is a lovely lovely person, he's also a genius and there lies the problem
The Rocket has not played in every single event available this year and Barry believes that it would be really wise for Ronnie to make a comeback while he still can. " The overriding factor is that Ronnie was born to play snooker and I don't want him to regret it when he's 60" said Hearn.

A genius is not normal, they don't say normal things and they don't act normally, and that's one of the reasons why they are a genius and we have to allow for that"
O'Sullivan is undoubtedly snookers biggest star and most popular in the sport but he is no longer a dominant face with a cue in his hand. Trump is the new king on the block and he will come out as snookers one of the greatest - Hearn said.

I think Trump is a big price favourite currently to beat Ronnie. I'm not looking for Ronnie to make improvements, he's in his mid 40's and he's done remarkably well throughout his snooker career. 
The world champ is well on his way to become one of the snookers greatest. But will he ever take Ronnie's place? Hearn believes so. We don't.

Would you miss Ronnie O'Sullivan? Damn right. Would the game survive? Damn right. That's the nature of the sport. Players come and go. Great fighters that once looked undefeatable become normal and human after a while.

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